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Residence Visa

RESIDENCE VISA is a permit for a non-Sri Lankan to obtain residence facilities for special purposes.  It is issued to persons of non-Sri Lankan nationality for whom it has been decided to extend residence facilities for the purpose of investment or otherwise, in circumstances where the prescribed authority is satisfied that their stay in Sri Lanka and the pursuit of their vocations are not prejudicial to the best interests of the population.

There are eight sub-categories which come under residence visas;

  • Employment Category
  • Investor Category
  • Religious Category
  • Student Category
  • Registered Indians covered by the 1954 Indo-Lanka Agreement
  • Ex-Sri Lankans and their dependants
  • Family Members of a Sri Lankan
  • Diplomatic and Official visa (Gratis Visa)
  • My Dream Home Visa Programme
  • Resident Guest Visa Programme

My Dream Home Visa Programme

Sri Lanka welcomes senior foreign nationals who wish to a prolonged stay in Sri Lanka on Residence.

Why should you choose SRI LANKA – MY DREAM HOME PROGRAMME?

  • Residence visa valid for 02 years which is renewable, will be granted
  • Feeling welcome and safe while living amongst Sri Lankans who are kind to foreigners.
  • Enjoying range of climates, seasons, and temperatures, coolness of the hills, the endless beaches, ancient ruins, wild life, tropical rain forests etc.
  • Endless outdoor health-giving opportunities for golf, tennis, football, rugby, cricket, badminton, hockey, table tennis, physical training in gyms, marathon running, swimming, surfing, kite-surfing, snorkelling, sea or fresh water fishing, bird-watching and observing nature in world class game reserves.
  • Luxurious furnished houses or flats are available on the tropical coastal belt, in the scenic central highlands and in the main cities
  • A range of international hotels, restaurants, and roadside delights offering a range of western and eastern food
  • Fresh fruit, vegetables, fish, and meats
  • Low living cost compared to European countries or Australia, the United States
  • No taxation
  • Availability of high quality health facilities

What are the eligibility requirements for Dream Home Visa Programme?

  • Any foreign national over 55 years of age
  • Should remit US$15,000 or the equivalent in an approved foreign currency and deposit them in a fixed deposit account in an approved any bank in

Sri Lanka, and

  • A monthly remittance of US$1,500 or the equivalent in an approved foreign currency for the principal applicant and US$750 or the equivalent in an approved foreign currency for each spouse and dependent child* for their upkeep (if accompanied by spouse/children) in a savings or current account in any approved bank in Sri Lanka.

*under 18 years and unmarried

What are the terms and conditions applicable?

  • Applicants under this scheme may withdraw their entire fixed deposit anytime should they decide to terminate their stay in Sri Lanka. However, they must obtain prior approval from the Controller of Exchange in Sri Lanka through the Controller General of Immigration Emigration to withdraw funds. Interest gain from the fixed deposit can be withdrawn and spend for the applicants upkeep.
  • Should possess a valid medical insurance policy, which is applicable in Sri Lanka.
  • Should submit a police clearance certificate from the country of domicile. A police clearance certificate from Sri Lanka at the time of renewal of the residence visa
  • Not involve in any type of criminal activities.
  • Should not involve in any type of political activities in Sri Lanka and not participate in any activities that can be considered as sensitive to the local people and a threat to the security of the country
  • No paid or unpaid employment while staying in Sri Lanka
  • Resident Guests Applicants are bound by the rules and regulations of taxes of Sri Lanka and they are liable to pay relevant taxes.
  • Every applicant is expected to submit with half-year bank statement related to the fixed deposit and savings account to the Controller (Visa) of the Department of Immigration Emigration.
  • Should inform the Controller (Visa) of the Department of Immigration Emigration any changes in visa status, personal information is changed.

10 years of experience in visa processing, and has in employment professionally qualified and professionally experienced officers having the knowhow to deliver results with a magnificent proven SUCCESS track record.