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Residence Visa

A permit for a non-Sri Lankan to obtain residence facilities for special purposes.  It is issued to persons of non-Sri Lankan nationality to whom it has been decided to extend residence facilities …

Open a Business and Invest

If you wish to invest monetory capital in a business in Sri Lanka you could obtain a visa as an investor under the Resident Guest Visa Programme.  Your resident visa visa will be valid for 1 year …

Visa Renewals and Appeals

Foreign nationals need to submit an application for the renewal of visas. If you want to extend your stay you should apply for visa extension well before expiry of your current visa.Visa Sri Lanka and can …

Our Services

Any visa application process can be tedious and complicated.  While the procedures seem simple, applying for visa & extension without professional support may lead to unforeseen complex.

Volunteer & Work Opportunities in Sri Lanka

Some visas do exist for volunteers to work in Sri Lanka.  Volunteering is a great chance to get involved with diverse Sri Lankan



You may be planning to visit Sri Lanka for one or more of several reasons.

The visa application process to any country including Sri Lanka is sometimes tedious.  You would need the services of an experienced professional to take up the burden and relieve you of the hassle in the path towards securing the visa.

Be it for entering Sri Lanka for leisure (tourism), to attend seminars/conferences/workshops, employment, visit relatives or friends, business, study, volunteer work, residential purposes, cultural purposes, sports, to get your existing visa extended, or to apply for citizenship, Visa Sri Lanka undertakes the job on behalf of you to deliver the result you wish for in the shortest possible time and with your least involvement.  It is like travelling on a well carpeted highway in a comfortable luxury vehicle.  No bumps, no humps.

Visa Sri Lanka provides visa processing services to travelers under a number of categories, some having several sub-divisions under them.  The main categories are Visit Visa, Transit Visa, Resident Visa, and Citizenship.

Reliable and efficient products and services are expensive.  But Visa Sri Lanka could provide an unmatchable, reliable, and efficient service at a VERY REASONABLE cost.

How is this possible?  Visa Sri Lanka has over 10 years of experience in visa processing, and has in employment professionally qualified and professionally experienced officers having the knowhow to deliver results with a magnificent proven SUCCESS track record.



  • Who would need prior visa to enter Sri Lanka?
  • What is an ETA?
  • Is it possible to get visas extended?


Working hard everyday for the quality

  • Posted by inotrend
  • On December 9, 2014

Be part of our community

  • Posted by inotrend
  • On December 8, 2014