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Open a Business and Investing in Sri Lanka

If you wish to invest monetory capital in a business in Sri Lanka you could obtain a visa as an investor under the Resident Guest Visa Programme.  Your resident visa will be valid for one (01) year.  It can be renewed annually.


Sri Lanka was the first in the South Asian region to promote foreign investment.  Foreign investment is an important element in Sri Lanka’s economic growth, and is therefore actively encouraged.


After 30 years’ of civil war Sri Lankan economy is growing fast with over 6 % annual GDP at present. There  are many business and investment opportunities available in many sectors including Property Development, Education, Micro Finance, Energy, Hospitality, Agriculture, Manufacturing, exports, IT, Call Centre and BPO operations doing better than most of other industries in the region.


We can obtain special tax concessions and tax holidays for Board of Investment (BOI) approved business investments over USD 200 million.


Thousands of investors from around the globe have shown interest in this small island.  Some of the reasons behind this are the literacy rate (97%), job competencies, English speaking public, newly constructed highways, international airports and harbours, well developed ICT facilities, and considerably cheap telecommunications.

We can help you by;

Preparing your business proposals, registering your business and trademarks, domains, web development, obtaining BOI approvals, obtaining visas, registering your business with Central and Local Government bodies, obtaining approval from local authorities and other statutory bodies to operate your business, finding business consultants locally, promoting your business ideas through local media, assistance in marketing and distribution setup, creating demand for your products and services worldwide, providing business consultancy services, accounting, auditing, and taxation.


As per the latest annual travel study by MasterCard, Colombo is world no. 01 fastest growing city in the Global Destination Cities Index.


Do not look for inferior advice

Listen to professional advice instead. You will find it very profitable if you talk to us for more assistance in finding ways to invest.